Flying home….

Sun 16 May 2021 23:54
It is four months since I have written a blog here! Poor Star Charger has spent nearly all that time on D7 in the marina…. We have been working five days a week on Guiding Light, more details here…. now we are hauling out in a couple of days and flying home. We will be back in October, hopefully we will do a little more actual sailing….. Looking forward to catching up with family and friends….especially meeting our new grandson, born 26 April. We are due to fly back at the beginning of October, but who knows…. Fair winds Alasdair Alasdair Maclean +1 (758) 723 1430 St Lucia mobile phone +44 (0) 7710 197949 British mobile phone +870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone +881632 683990 Iridium Go |