Fairwelll and adieu you fair St Helena

Fri 23 Oct 2020 13:01
Well, yesterday at 15:00 hrs, (that’s St Helena time for 13:00) we finally dropped the mooring and after a brief sail past of the wharf, set off on what will be our longest ever passage. Bound for St Lucia, and the start of our next adventure, we should arrive around this time next month.
The hardest goodbye Gill and I have said together, some will remember New Zealand....
I am sorry if we missed saying goodbye to you, we just ran out of time!
We are now over 100 miles out with 10-12 knots of wind doing 5.5-6 knots towards our destination....only another 3,700 NM to go!
Star Charger sailing herself, twin poled and Hydrovane. I am on watch, listening to Pink Floyd, the rest are snoozing.
Will post every couple of days.
Fair winds
Alasdair, Gill, Carmen and Dan
Plus Star Charger and the lads of course.