Another week in Antigua

Sat 9 May 2015 17:39
We finally moved from Falmouth Harbour up to Jolly Harbour Marina on Tuesday ready to collect Father who flew out on Wednesday.
He arrived safely and on time. In fact he was the first person out of terminal! We drove back to the boat and settled him in then we all drove down to Life on the Corner for the Tot. When we returned to Jolly looking for somewhere to have dinner the decision was made when we saw nine friends sitting down outside the first restaurant we came to. They were an OCC group saying farewell to a friend setting off back to the UK. Of course we joined them for a splendid evening.
On Thursday we got up bright and early to sail up to St John's to pick up six guys from RN. It was quite stressful coming alongside a Royal Navy ship with the Captain and half the crew watching. We sailed the guys to Deep Bay where they snorkelled on the wreck and we had lunch. Then we dropped them off in Jolly before sailing back to Falmouth.
Friday found us once more using our dinghy as an ice bucket filled with beer for the barbecue on Pigeon Beach. We had most of HMS Severn join us for the barbecue and then after for the Tot.
Less good was today when trying to fix the generator we found a hole in the head! Very frustrating.
Father appears to be coping well with life onboard and the heat which is great.
Have fun
Alasdair and Gill
+1758 520 6961
Sent from Alasdair's iPad