"14.14.89N 56.30.12W"

Sat 18 Jan 2014 11:36
We achieved the impossible over night and are already registering our fifth
longest day with 5 hours to go! This 24 hours could be a new record...we shall
It does leave us with an outside chance of Sunday, but we have to keep this
speed up for the 30 hours which is a tall order!
It is funny how ones perspective changes. Yesterday I was trying to
make water (but that’s another story!) and failing when I looked up....We were
doing a fairly consistent 8 knots surfing up to 10 knots down waves, Gill was in
the galley making an apple crumble and the lads were in the cockpit totally
engrossed in a rather aggressive game of Monopoly.... Star Charger was sailing
herself very happily with the wind vane doing the steering, just awesome!
Now we are looking at the distance to go just under 200 miles as I write and we
are nearly there.
Alasdair, Gill, Dicken, Ian, Habitat, Pickles and Star
Charger |