3 playing in the sea

Wed 13 Apr 2016 21:37
Tonight, as last night we are motoring in a flat calm...."02.30.29N 83.47.26W". On this course we are just over 300 miles from the Equator. All four of us have crossed the line in the air but none of us have done so at sea. An exciting prospect.
Today has been and indeed still is hot. This afternoon we swung the mizen boom out over the side, climbed into the bosuns chair and swung into the sea, attached via the mizen sheet. Fantastic. Even at four knots it seems fast but fun and cooling. It was also a good test of our Man Overboard recovery plan. I could pull Gill aboard without winching....Gill need the winch to get me up but could do it.
When I first came on watch tonight I had, even for us, the very rare rival leg of seeing dolphins at night, illuminated by the phosphorescence. You can see them swimming through the water it is so beautiful.
Love Alasdair, Gill, Jane and Alex.

+507 6073 7217

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