05 Swimming

Thu 18 Jul 2019 13:44
“17.37.676S 075.20.349E” Overnight the wind went very light, as predicted. We struggled till just after dawn and then decided that we needed the Iron Tops’l. However we were, more or less in the middle of the Indian Ocean, so we decided to go swimming. There is something very lovely about swimming 1000 miles from dry land. We motored for three hours and then deployed the Code 0. Later the wind went more easterly so we switched back to twin poles. Sadly the wind is also moderating. We are now counting down to 1000 miles to the next waypoint... a big step. Fair winds. Alasdair, Gill, Alison and Peter. +870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone +441372 463121 British land line +447710 197949 British mobile phone |