"32.44.494N 16.42.761W"

Tue 10 Dec 2013 22:42
On one occasion the UKSA boat at 62 feet long and however many feet tall disappeared under a wave, and she was moored 10 metres from the wall!
We have put out double lines and then a third to a different cleat on the pontoon. But so far the marina has lost three pontoons, so who knows.
We are in the hotel, we were given no choice the sea wall is cracking under the intense pressure of the waves
But it is at this time that you appreciate a good company and Quinta do Lorde has pulled out all the stops. The guys have worked tirelessly to ensure that the boats are safe. We went down at 10pm and they re all still there. And much as I didn't want to leave the boat, a room in a 5 Star hotel, including dinner and breakfast is great! Thank you....
Take care and stay safe!
Alasdair, Gill, Habitat and Pickles.....we are thinking of you Star Charger, out there in the thick of it....
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