Volcanoes and Cava ceremony

Tue 29 May 2018 04:52
"19.01.07S 169.04.92E" We have just left Tanna....what a special place. It was on my list of top places to visit during this circumnavigation and it did not disappoint. The bay of Port Resolution is perfect, a true tropical island paradise. There is only one vehicle in the village and the track out is barely a dirt track! You certainly need a 4x4, and not a poncy one with alloy wheels. The women look after the kids and work in the fields and the men fish. Traditional outrigger dugouts lashed together with vines. Anchored with the red glow of the volcano at night seemingly a few metres away is amazing. The volcano is the big and only tourist draw. But not very touristy, you can't even buy a postcard! It is, apparently, the closest active volcano to a road anywhere in the world. I have a feeling that is because they have a very loose interpretation of what a road is. But climb up half an hour before sunset and it will take your breath away, and not just because of the sulphur. We stood around the crater, the lava bed some 350 metres below the level we could see. And time and time again fountains of red molten lava were thrown up into the air. So very sad to be there alone. Gill and I had talked about that moment for years, next time my love we will be there side by side. After we came down we ( the men) were taken to partake in the drinking of Kava..... a very profound thing though I am not sure the drink had any noticeable effect on me. Now sailing to Port Villa, just released a message in a bottle Have fun! Alasdair, Pickles, Cian, Maura, Ignacio and Star Charger +870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone +447710 197949 British mobile phone +441372 463121 British land line +642102 639190 New Zealand mobile phone |