The things that make our world tick....

You will have noticed that at the beginning of each log I write our position, “38.20.50N 00.28.92” This is so that the clever software at MailASail can plot us on the map. However these numbers have become very significant to us! I wonder how many of you know your position in lat and long? We are now heading East again and North having achieved a westing of 0ver 9 degrees and gone as far south as 36 degrees. We also watch the change in sea temperature, it was warmer in the Atlantic than the Mediterranean until yesterday when the temperature at sea climbed over 21 we stopped the boat and I went for a swim (suffering now with tinnitus but it was worth it!) Another number for you...the cost of marinas, here we are in Alicante, the most expensive by far, more than three times Gibraltar! The next most expensive had at least softened the blow with a complimentary bottle of wine...We are waiting for Sam who flies in tomorrow and also the list of jobs has got too big so today we are all involved in reducing that list! We have found someone who can help with the autohelm but he isn’t around till Monday. Not sure what we will do, possibly go off on Saturday and find someone to anchor for a couple of days and then return here at least to discuss options with him. Life is still full of wonder, while at sea the other night we had dolphins swimming round the boat, only really visible for their phosphorescent tracks, like torpedoes chasing around us. Gill and Richard had seen a similar thing crossing Biscay. So, today begins and the list has just got longer...the pump that takes water from the sink is not working I had better get on! Will walk up to reception to send this later, no wifi in the marina, unlike the cheaper places.. Have fun Love Alasdair, Gill, Habitat, Pickles and Star Charger |