Flying Scotsman and other things

Sat 31 Oct 2020 18:08
86 years ago yesterday, Bill Spershatt drove the Flying Scotsman 4472, at 100 mph. A new record for steam trains.
Today, in the middle of the Atlantic, I downloaded a weather map for the immediate area, sent and received some emails, including one from Gordon showing the big weather picture.
It is incredible the pace of change, and all in my Mother’s lifetime.
But there are traditional activities going on too. Fishing, bread making, crocheting flip flops, and sun bathing. It is lucky we have GPS because in the nine days since we left St Helena we haven’t seen the sun or any stars that you could actually take a fix on! Carmen and I promised each other we would do Astro navigation.... no chance yet. We have just moved Ships Time to UTC -1.
We have just been passed by a fishing boat about a mile and a half away. Some of them look so dilapidated.
Fair winds
Alasdair, Gill, Carmen and “Saint” Dan