11 Cullen Bay Darwin

Mon 25 Jun 2018 02:31
"14.76.00S 130.49.21E" Well we are safely in the Marina having spent ten hours on the waiting pontoon for the "treatment" to work. Apparently they are worried about various foreign critters creeping in on the hull. Last night we walked the half mile or so to a beach that had a beach market and beach food available over sunset. Really cool, but very busy. Of course this is the first city we have moored in since Panama! And the first we have visited since Auckland back in March. Gill flies in tonight which is very exciting, we have a few nights in an hotel. She booked it not knowing that we would beat her here. Love to all Alasdair, Pickles, Cian, Maura, Ignacio and Star Charger +870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone +447710 197949 British mobile phone +441372 463121 British land line +642102 639190 New Zealand mobile phone |