01 Galapagos to Polynesia

Mon 20 Jun 2016 20:14
"03.43.557S 093.36.670W" We are now 48 hours into our passage and in our third day. The first day and a half were very difficult. Almost no wind so we opted to motor for much of the time. The wind was forecast to fill in about 3 degrees south and it has! Dicken (our weather router) has us high tailing it south for the 5 degree line where the Trades appear to be strong. At the moment we are enjoying 12 knots SE and for a change we are white sailing. Yesterday we flew the cruising chute which is always lovely. The sea state has been very calm and now we are sailing the motion is very pleasant Life onboard has not surprisingly slipped easily into the blue water routine. The watch system seems to be working well. Also we are getting jobs done, though no fish yet! But we have just had loads of dolphins swimming with and around us. There were four that were swimming in formation together and two little ones that stuck to each other like glue! I never get tired of seeing them! Sadly this blog won't go up till we get to the Marquises, only three weeks to go Have fun Love Alasdair, Gill, Jane and Alex. |