02 Stars and wind

Tue 12 Jul 2016 06:22
I am sat alone on watch at 1 am. The wind is blowing a warm 15 knots from the east and we are bowling along at 5 knots towards our destination. Above there are more stars than one begin to count, including the occasional shooting star.
We have had a great trip so far, a little slow but not to bad. The hard part is yet to come... Tomorrow we arrive at our first atoll. As far as I can tell these are beautiful lagoons mostly surrounded by a reef and littered throughout by treacherous uncharted coral heads. Oh and the pass in can be a raging torrent at the wrong tide or wind.... No stress there then! We are aiming to be at the entrance at dawn then and see!
So my idyllic watch is troubled by thoughts of tomorrow. However I am sure it will be fine. I am once more looking forward to that nice cold arrival beer! Then off to explore and book some diving!
For now I shall go back to watching the stars and wondering how many people are watching back
Fair winds
Love Alasdair and Gill
+870776 764870
+447710 197949
Sent from Alasdair's iPad