"25.23.02N 21.31.34W"

Thu 2 Jan 2014 12:27
Day four at sea and we are all beginning to settle into a routine.
The watch system, 3 hours on and 6 off at night, 3 on 3 off during the day with
Gill on permanent Mother watch (her choice!) and one of us having a day off
every third day, seems to be working fine. As expected the days are fairly
casual but at least one person is designated as “In charge”. In terms of
look out, since we left the Canaries we have seen no sign of humans bar the odd
piece of floating rubbish.
Day one was about feeling ill and stress and wondering if we had made a
mistake setting off at all! It yakes awhile to get used to living inside a
tumble drier
Day two we set the twin head sails, poled out each side and got the
Hydrovane working
Day three, Dicken started fishing....no fish yet! We also were joined by a
pod of twenty plus dolphins playing around the bow wave. I never, ever get
bored of watching them. They are so perfectly designed for their
Day four, Ian is taking sun sights with the sextant. I am waiting
till he works it out and then he can explain it to me...
Our run rate is sadly low, between 100 and 110 nm per day, extrapolating
that puts us in Barbados around the 23rd January...and Dickemn winning the
Will try and upload this now, I do hope it is working, it should also
give a rough idea of our track across the Atlantic
Take care and I hope 2014 is treating you well so far
Alasdair, Gill, Dicken, Ian, Habitat, Pickles and Star Charger