Doubts and setbacks

Mon 9 Apr 2018 01:02
This last week has not been the best....we didn't really seem to finish anything and then Friday came. I climbed into the lazaret to get the generator out to fix a few things on it. It was covered in corrosion and the casing soaked! A bad day, for those who remember, it is our second and this one is under two years old. It is now sat on the ground next to the boat waiting for someone to come and try and fix it.
Add to that a rather worrying email from home and I started to doubt whether I was doing the right thing. Should I be so focused on completing a circumnavigation and sailing back into Scilly? I have wanted to circumnavigate since I was a kid and I want to complete while my parents are still alive to wave my back home. But am I being too selfish? Who knows.... I suppose this is why relatively few boats make it all the way round, even compared to the number who start.
So far this week, things are going better. Honestly I suspect I will have the same nagging doubts all the rest of the way. But I will make it.
I hope your week went better
Love Alasdair
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