Christmas Island

Fri 14 Jun 2019 03:49
We have spent a week here on Christmas Island. An interesting place in the middle of the Indian Ocean. There are apparently 45 million red land crabs here and they certainly are all over the place.
The locals are very friendly and have been enormously helpful. One swam over to the boat and offered to drive us on a tour round the island. Really interesting, he works on the rain forest regeneration programme. Another swam out with some bananas!
Yesterday we hashed, a fabulous run through the rain forest and down to a perfect white sand beach....with beers!
Tomorrow we head off to Cocos Keeling, some 550NM from here
Fair Winds
Alasdair and Gill
+61458 380549 Australian mobile phone
+870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone
+441372 463121 British land line
+447710 197949 British mobile phone
Sent from Alasdair's iPad 6