"20.51.24N 30.49.29W"

Mon 6 Jan 2014 19:35
A week at sea....and all is well....By the time I post this tonight we will
have travelled 1000 nm since leaving Tenerife!
Today is my day off and so I spent the first hour and a half making water
and the next couple of hours reading the manual for the fifth time in the hope
that I might find a clue as to why it isn’t working very well! My
considered opinion is that the cause is lack of water pressure through the
intake. It is mounted on the starboard side under the galley sink.
We seem to have more luck if the waves aren’t too big, if the boat is heeled to
starboard and if we are doing under 6 knots... It is a shame as it is very
stressful sitting at the bottom of the companionway staring at a small
electrical panel for several hours a day. I think that the gauge is less than
precise we never seem to have more than 340 litres in the tank even though I can
see the water slapping on the inspection hatch (the tank capacity is 460
Today we also got an hour extra in bed (apart from Ian who was on watch) as
we moved ships time. We are still keeping GMT (I know it’s now called UT)
as our time for communication with the outside world.
Not sure who is on watch at the moment, Ian and Dicken are sat in the
cockpit playing Scrabble.
It is hot and the disadvantage of downwind sailing is that the apparent
wind is very light! The temperature in the cabin is now 30 c, not sure what it
is on deck but shorts only is the dress code. At night it cools a little
and then we wear trousers and a windproof jacket.
Still no sight of whales or flying fish. Yesterday we sent Ian up the
main mast and he couldn’t see anything! Seriously, he volunteered to go
up, someone has to check the rigging for signs of wear. He returned giving
the mast a clean bill of health. It seems that some at least of our
preparation has paid off all we have so far is a small amount of wear on the
genoa sheet where it goes through the beak of the spinnaker pole. We have
end to ended it and may have to consider swapping sheets next weekend.
The last 24 hour run was 130 nm bringing us in two weeks today...my
original prediction.
STOP PRESS....Dicken very nearly caught another fish!! We got it as
far as the back of the boat but couldn’t get it into the net and it
escaped. At least no tackle was lost this time. It did persuade
Dicken that the last one was huge as this time we reeled it in easily.
Alasdair, Gill, Dicken, Ian, Habitat, Pickles and Star Charger
If you aren’t living on the edge you are taking up too much
room. |