A week to go....

Sun 19 May 2019 05:57
We are on the Hard having had the bottom scrubbed and painted. Due to launch tomorrow first thing.
Peter has joined us and Alison arrives pre Sparrows Fart tomorrow. Our crew for the crossing will be complete. Hopefully this time will be third time lucky and we will leave! I am very confident, because I have Gill here with me.
The boat work has gone well. Everything has been cleaned and polished and all is looking good. Still rather too hot for my liking, and for sleeping!
That which shall not be mentioned should be replaced early in the week. Then just, bending the sails on, a full rig check, victualling and cooking.....
Mind the wind is not looking too promising but we shall see
Fair winds
Alasdair, Gill, Peter and the lads
+61458 380549 Australian mobile phone
+870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone
+441372 463121 British land line
+447710 197949 British mobile phone
Sent from Alasdair's iPad 6