05 Closing Christmas Island

Sat 8 Jun 2019 04:38
We are now under 100NM from landfall! The wind is rather light but we hope to arrive tomorrow morning. We have had, so far, the most glorious of passages. Some cloudy days but fair winds and seas....
Sadly we have seen several pieces of plastic floating by every day. I haven’t seen that in any other ocean.
We have been swimming off the boat, always good fun for the brave. Today we intend to set up the bosuns chair to drag behind the boat. So swimming without effort, and more importantly, without slowing down!
All aboard are excited about the prospect of a full nights sleep and a little less roll...
Fair winds
Alasdair, Gill,, Alison and Peter
+61458 380549 Australian mobile phone
+870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone
+441372 463121 British land line
+447710 197949 British mobile phone
Sent from Alasdair's iPad 6