Union Island

Sun 21 Jun 2015 12:06
"12.35.75N 61.24.73W"
Feeling a little happier this week! We had an awesome sail down from St Lucia to Bequia, we saw three schools of dolphins. I have attached a couple of photographs. These beautiful creatures never fail to thrill us when they come to play found the boat.
Down in Bequia we met up with Sean and Georgi to celebrate his birthday. They have now joined us on a little cruise down the islands. It is great having a really experienced sailor on board, makes you think about what you do! Mind I did feel like a proper charter skipper yesterday..... We got up in the morning, lifted the anchor and moved to behind the Horseshoe Reef for breakfast. Then lifted again and went to Saltwhistle Bay for lunch, met Tim and Steph there which was nice. Having done all of that we lifted for a third time to come to Union...
A great evening last night, drinks on Happy Island and a lovely meal ashore at Sparrows, the smoked Marlin was to die for!
Off to Carriacou today, one of my favourite islands
Fair winds
Love Alasdair and Gill
+1758 520 6961
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