Yet another major change of plan

Tue 25 Sep 2018 12:14
Having flown down, prepared the boat with crew onboard, victualling done and Australian Border Force turning up... I made a decision to fly home! Not perhaps the best timing but the right thing to do.
36 hours previously I had had a massive crisis of confidence about whether or not I was doing the right thing. I spent time on the telephone to Gill, talked to my sisters and mother and decided to carry on and meet Gill in Mauritius. Then the night before we were due to leave, Border Force booked for 09:30, I spent most of the night on the telephone to Gill.
Fortunately, a boat was leaving that day heading west and took Sean. Cian stayed onboard and leaves tomorrow to board another boat also heading west.
What was wrong, I was grieving for Father who had just died and I was missing Gill, I knew that I would struggle and that I wouldn’t enjoy the trip. But most of all I worried that if/when things went wrong instead of getting them sorted I would just fall apart and put us all in danger.
Did I make the right decision, I will never know, but I feel much happier now. Already planing where we go next year..... Star Charger will finish her circumnavigation!
If you are in Darwin please say hi to Star Charger and if you come near SW London come and say hi to us!
Fair winds and calm hearts
Alasdair, Gill and in another hemisphere but still in our hearts, Star Charger.
+441372 463121 British land line
+447710 197949 British mobile phone
+870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone
Sent from Alasdair's iPad 6