"12.38.61N 61.04.61W"

Wed 28 Jan 2015 14:04
Suffice to say, we laid the boat up successfully and flew home. A fantastic time, a real whirlwind, sorry if we didn't get to see you. Hopefully next time.
Skiing was awesome, really great to see the nephews have such fun.
Now back on the boat, Dicken Sam and Ben seem to have had a great time borrowing her and looked after her very well.
The Mount Gay Race series was fun but rather disappointing due to light winds and getting timed out by less than ten minutes two days running. Still some great sailing and awesome fun.
Now on our way to Grenada to pick up my big sister and her family
Have fun and fair winds
Love Alasdair and Gill
+17585 206961
Sent from Alasdair's iPad
+17585 206961
Sent from Alasdair's iPad