NZ to Vanuatu day seven

Sun 27 May 2018 23:57
"23.33.36S 170.59.99E" The sun is shinning in an almost cloudless sky and we are cruising towards Port Resolution at 5 knots. For the first time we are flying the Code 0 in anger....what a great sail! Thank you Gill for buying it! We also have the mizzen, I suspect we could get another knot or two with the main but that would mean the Bimini coming down and who is in a hurry. At this rate we could be in by Friday lunchtime which would be ideal. This morning while doing sail changes I found a flying fish on deck. It is sad when they land on deck and die but it is interesting for everyone to see how amazing they are. We have seen many individuals and several squadrons this passage m To celebrate I have baked bread for the first time this passage, slightly burnt underneath but I suspect it will taste OK. I need to get back to understanding this oven. The crew seem happy although Ignacio is feeling under the weather. Not sure it is exactly sea sickness but who knows. Hopefully he will recover soon. I haven't managed to work the SSB properly so can't send this. I will try over the next few days. Meanwhile fair winds Alasdair, Pickles, Cian, Maura, Ignacio and Star Charger +870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone +447710 197949 British mobile phone +441372 463121 British land line +642102 639190 New Zealand mobile phone |