A change of scene

Tue 20 Sep 2016 09:01
Hopefully we will leave Polynesia tomorrow having spent an absolutely glorious three months here. Next time we will plan at least a whole season here it has been too fast this time. Mind you of course due to the rank stupidity of my fellow countryman I may not be able to!
The scenery is breathtaking, high hills with lush green vegetation. Beautiful lagoons with a myriad of different colours. Fish in every colour you can imagine. Every time you arrive you think you have arrived in paradise... Every island is different but beautiful.
But most of all the people and the culture are very special. So unbelievably friendly. Walk down a road and people will stop to offer you a lift. Cars coming towards you, most will smile and wave! Everyone says hallo in the street....unbelievable!
My two images of Polynesia before we arrived were outrigger canoes and girls with flowers in their hair....both are so true. Most woman have a flower in their hair, not just the ones working with tourists As for canoes it is the national sport they are all over the place, about a quarter of all cars have an outrigger canoe roof rack!
The Cook Islands beckon but we a little piece of our heart here
Fair winds
Alasdair, Gill, Oscar and Mia
PS the view from Raiatea across to Tahaa
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