Two years afloat......

Wed 25 Mar 2015 21:45
It has been an unbelievable experience with so many great times and a few not so good!
We have spent almost exactly one year of that swinging on the hook. It is by far the best place to be much nicer than a marina and safer than mooring buoys. 51 nights have been spent at sea.
In terms of numbers of nights spent in a country, Grenada wins with 105 nights, then St Lucia with 96 and France at 82. Today we anchored two years to the day we moved onboard and exactly 10000 miles under the keel. A double celebration
Our favourite islands here in the Caribbean are Dominica and Cariacou, both smaller islands and unspoilt. Barbados I think just wins on friendliest people and best Regae buses.
The best sights are whales, especially breaching, sea horses and the green flash.
Who knows what the next two years will bring but we will find out
With love form all the guys aboard Star Charger
May the wind be ever at your back and the sun on your brow
+17585 206961
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