1 Chasing wind off Vanuatu

Sun 24 Jun 2018 00:37
"16.30.44S 166.26.08E" On passage from Vanuatu towards Thursday Island. We have spent all day chasing north in search of wind only for the forecast to change and the wind is Day motoring east of us! Who said the Coral Sea was always windy..... It does mean we have now used all our white sails at some point on this passage. It is very hot, the poor Chileans are suffering. Today's amusement was a red footed booby landing on the main boom. I chased him off only for him to fly round and land again. The second time I actually had to push him off, just shaking the sail was not enough.... I wouldn't mind if they flew off to do their business but they are inclined to create mountains of foul smelling mess! Hopefully we will find wind in the morning! Love Alasdair +870776 764870 Inmarsat satellite phone +447710 197949 British mobile phone +441372 463121 British land line +642102 639190 New Zealand mobile phone |