When will we get back?

32:56N 79:50W Safe City Boatyard, Charleston South Carolina
Is this it? When can we hope to get back?
Its been a very disrupted and stressful year, trying to stay safe during the Covid pandemic and then finally getting Time2 up to Charleston from the Caribbean. Now we have haul her out for the hurricane season... or longer?
Hard to believe that in mid February I went to the Trinidad
Carnival, along with tens of thousands of revelers, and now we
avoid all human contact and don't move off the boat without a
Today left Time2, and we don't know when we will be back. Mike
and I have lived aboard Time2 for much of the year since 2011,
always going home to Simonstown with our next cruising trip clear
in our minds. But not this time.
We are now heading down to Florida to stay with friends, visiting some national parks until we can get a repatriation flight to South Africa. Lets see how this goes

Time2 on the dock at SafeCity Boatyard,
Wando Creek, before haul out.