
Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Fri 9 May 2008 13:57
11.59.9 N 61:45.6 W Prickly Bay, Grenada
We have been in Prickly Bay, on the south side of Grenada for a few days now. Mike and Coenie have been working like Trojans on the refrigeration, watermaker and all sorts of general maintenace - see pic below of Mike inside on of the cupboard doing an electrical connection. Its hard work - but they love it! Our new improved fridge is working like a bomb, now totally independant of the freezer, which is saving us a lot of energy. Yesterday we went by local mini-bus to Grand Anse, closest town to do banking and a little shopping - found a great place to have Roti's and Caribs. Roti's are very popular here - lightly curried with lots of potato and a meat filling - generally Chicken or Lambi (conch). We have a good internet connection here on the boat and are enjoying chatting on email and skype to friends and family.