New Year arrives in the Exumas

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Wed 3 Jan 2018 00:18
24:11.61N 76:27.30W New Year arrives in the
We celebrated the end of 2017 and the start of the new year with friends
on Time2 - another perfect evening at Big Majors. We took down the
dinghies and set up a bar, snacks on the top deck – first time we have tried it,
and it was a great view. Many of the yachts in the anchorage had parties and
between the SuperYachts and the resorts close by, we had 3 fantastic fireworks
![]() ![]() ![]() There was to be some yacht racing on New Years day, but the weather was so
calm, that all was cancelled. We decided to go on a snorkelling/ hunting
expedition on Time 2 and took along the guys from Shiloh, AlleyCat and
TexasTwoStep. I was the only gal, but as a keen diver, can keep up with most of
the guys. The sea was flat calm and visibility was excellent – but the fish
elusive. We did however catch some crayfish. What a lovely start to the new
year. Here are Mike and I in our “superhero suits” ready to hunt.
![]() Within a few days, our friends were scattering south, while we stayed
on a bit longer. And then the weather changed and winter in the Bahamas
arrived! While the water remained fairly warm, the air cooled down and we
had a lot of wind. From all directions.
With one westerly storm approaching we moved over to the “between the
Majors” anchorage – and what a nightmare that was. Its a difficult anchorage due
to a strong tidal stream, but offers the best protection for this westerly
blow. Most yachts chose their spot and were settled in by mid
afternoon. But close to sunset, an idiot with a go-fast 75 foot motor
yacht arrived.
He tossed down his anchor right in front of us, in an area of poor holding.
On board were a few families with small kids, who immediately headed out in
their dinghy for some fun.. We were gobsmacked, the wind was already picking
up. Staniel Cay Marina closes down when a westerly blows, as it is
too dangerous to stay – for the docks and the yachts. So now you have the
situation where a rich guy has a yacht: Quite possibly he is very good at
parking at a marina, but he has poor experience with anchoring. And
sometimes, may not have appropriate ground tackle to handle difficult
conditions. These belong to a tribe we we call the “Weekend Warriors”
As the wind picked up, Mike got concerned, and with another skipper,
dingied over to this yacht trying to help them with the situation. They needed
to move to a better spot, more appropriate for their size and the conditions
expected. But of course that did not work. And so the fiasco began.
They put out a second anchor, virtually on top of their first inadequate
one, which was on very short scope. Then they had two guys in scuba gear either
trying in set the anchors or trying to unwrap them...or both. The wind was
now picking up and the sun had gone down. If they dragged they could hit
us, or the boat behind. We could not move, it was too late and the
anchorage was full – this guy had to go. And the inevitable happened... he
started dragging – luckily he had his engines on and drove forward to avoid a
collision. Then he started moving further in front of us, in a narrow area,
looking for a new spot to anchor with a search light. Mike got on the radio and
very clearly told him to move on. Next he was on the other side of the
anchorage, nearly running aground. Finally, now completely dark, they took off
out the cut into the open ocean towards Cambridge Cay. Other yachts in the
anchorage saw life-jackets being handed out (Good thing!) And then they
were gone and we were so relieved. Later we heard on the VHF that they
arrived at Cambridge Cay and caused all kinds of chaos there.
![]() Trying to set an anchor with a dinghy with scuba gear & a
By the next afternoon the worst was over and we could move to a more
comfortable and roomy anchorage. But this was the start of a rather blustery
& wet two months