Leaving Whangarei

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Fri 4 Nov 2016 23:11
35:49.04S 174:26.9E Port
Whangarei to One Tree Point
After landing in Auckland late at night, and spending a night in an airport
hotel, we took the three hour drive up to Whangarei. Time 2 had been on
the hard for 5 months, while we were home in Cape Town. This was our first
winter at home for some years, and was remarkably pleasant. The mild winter was
not very cold or wet – but sadly that means water restrictions for the
summer. We also had a tragedy, losing our dear friend Peter Liddell
in a terrible accident, he was an avid follower of this blog. My father also had
a heart attack and quad bypass, which was pretty scary, but he has recovered
While at Port Whangarei Marine Centre, Time 2 had some work done. Having
the anchor chain galvanised; a new shaft and bearings; renovation to our sliding
doors and the bottom paint was re-done. Unfortunately we also had a serious
dispute with the yard over charges. The bills presented were far in excess
(some double!) of the cost estimates we had been given. It would seem that this
yard is used to dealing with SuperYachts with open chequebooks. Fortunately we
managed to sort all of this out to a reasonable charge, but it did not make for
a comfortable environment. We provisioned the boat and planned to get back into
the water as soon as we could.
On Friday we launched - As we were being lowered into the water, Mike
started his checks. Engine started no problem, gears were engaging - and
then he went down to the engine room. Water was gushing in through a valve that
had been removed and not replaced during the shaft installation. Quickly we had
the lift operator raise the boat up out of the water and called for the
mechanic. Mike also discovered another leak on the hydraulic power
take-off, which had also been removed & refitted with work to the shaft. To
cut a long story short, both leaks were sorted out and we could get on our way
down the Hatea River.
With a few hours lost, we decided to anchor near the mouth of the bay at
One Tree Point, and continue up the coast in the morning. We are hoping that our
dreadful jet-lag is now over, and we will be able to sleep through a whole
night. The eleven hours of time lost, ravelling east to New Zealand, is very
disruptive. |