Arriving at Ascension Island

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Wed 5 Mar 2008 22:21
08:10.25S 14:09.25W
As luck would have it, we will be arriving in
Clarence Bay, Ascension at about 3am in the morning with a new moon, so
very dark. Luckily Mike is "instrument rated" for a night approach. Ha..ha.. we
have been spending too much time talking to the yacht Nordylis, owned by en
ex British Airways pilot. Check out their web diary on St Helena which
has great input and photo's. I still need to progress to the photo stage on
this site. Late this afternoon we had an amazing experience with two very
large dorado (1.2m) a couple - one more blue and one more yellow. They swam next
to the boat for ages, and right under it, allowing us to take some amazing
photo's. They were so close that Mike was tempted to just gaff one -
luckily sanity prevailed, as they were way too big (and beautiful) for us to
eat. Earlier in the day we also "stopped" the boat and had a swim -
amazing to swim, free of the yacht with nothing else in sight. The water is now
over 30deg!
More from Ascension in the next day or two. Love to