Nassau Harbour Club - heading to Florida

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Wed 31 Jan 2018 01:55
25:04.50N 77:18.81W   Nassau Harbour Club – heading to Florida
After much thought and discussion, Mike and I decided to leave Time 2 in Florida again. We were made a very generous offer by an ex Nordhavn owner to leave Time 2 behind his home in Key Largo, which we graciously accepted.  We now had to get from Georgetown to they Keys.. We also decided to go back a little earlier so that we could not only celebrate Ian’s 50th, but also would get back in time to celebrate Smeezie’s 60th in Cape Town. Luckily Travelstart and Qatar airlines were able to accommodate us. Both are excellent service providers.
We left Georgetown on 23 January, with a quick overnight off Cave Cay, made it back to Big Majors for a few days. We were happy to see Colwyn & Carol (mvHooked Up) there again. They come over from the UK each year to spend a few weeks on their boat, with Colwyn being a mad fisherman, just like Mike. Unfortunately local beach had been taken over by the “winter crowd” a tightly knit group of rather obnoxious and unfriendly motor cruisers.  They “lord” over the public beach as if it is their own, making outsiders feel very unwelcome – how different this group is, to the cruisers we met last Spring on this same beach – also Americans, also come every year, but somehow “streets” apart.  The human race never fails to astound me...and sadly its privileged white people that usually disappoint me. Bah .. Humbug!
Mike and the HookedUp crew sharing lures
We also had a very fun afternoon with the crew of mv PapiPapa – (more South Africans)  – who regaled us with great stories about the lives aboard Superyachts.
After a few days we headed to Nassau –staying at Peter’s Nassau Harbour Club for a few days waiting for weather to clear ... again!.   We took the jitney into town where we found some splendid kit for Smeezie’s pirate party – at a pirate bar downtown. How those beer names?!
pirate nassau
Just like the old days, Pirates & Wenches everywhere
Next stop will be Miami for Customs & Immigration, before heading to Key Largo