Underwater statues, Grenada

Underwater Statues, Moliniere Bay
On the west coast of Grenada inside a fairly shallow reef, an artist has made an underwater statue garden. We visited the bay and snorkelled around the statues – which are life-size – and range from a circle of 28 children, a man typing at a desk, a man on a bicycle, a woman praying, to a 'devil' woman with a big hat. The positions of the statues are not marked, so it is a bit of an adventure diving and looking for them, and we think we may have missed one or two.
Sadly, Sarah flew home to England yesterday, and we now have to get used to being 3 again. It was great to have her here, and Coenie was very happy. A tropical wave is passing us, and so it is pouring with rain, dropping the temperature to a comfortable 26 deg! We are using the opportunity to do some spring-cleaning. Mike is finalising the haul-out for the beginning of August at Peakes in Trinidad. This afternoon we are heading out to a local bar to watch the 20/20 cricket test on TV (West Indies are playing Australia in Barbados)