Fort Worth to Lucaya

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Sun 21 Mar 2010 18:06
Fort Worth, Florida to Lucaya, Grand Bahama
After a very restful night we headed out from Florida to the Bahamas. The weather looked good, the sun was shining and we had a little wind from the north. With a text book approach to the Gulf Stream crossing we headed south-east for the first third of the trip and then slightly north east for the second third - all was looking good to an efficient crossing. We decided to head to Lucaya, rather than West-end, which is the first Bahamian port.
Mike and Willy went to have a nap and Frauke and I were in charge - after about an hour, bad weather set in. We got rain, and wind and then the sea got nice an angry too. Not very comfortable at all. Bottles of whiskey and gin started flying around and we really had to batten down the hatches. Sadly Mike and Willy had a short sleep as the gals had to take care of the bottles and spices flying around. I really felt sorry for Frauke, as we had promised her this idyllic holiday, and here we were fighting bad weather. Of course Indigo performed beautifully and with those new props and some diesel, Mike got us into Lucaya before sunset ...just!
We decided to go on a marina for a few days to catch our breath and to check out Lucaya.
Lucaya is a real tourist trap, but quite interesting for a day or so. There is a big market with lots of restaurants and curio shops. we met a delightful lady who was selling the funniest re-cycled cardboard hats for cancer charity. I will post some photographs as soon as we have a decent connection again
Our next stop is the Berry Islands - as string of islands about 60nm south of Grand Bahama where we expect to see more of the beautiful deserted islands and less curio shops!