En Route to Ascension Island

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Sun 2 Mar 2008 19:16
12:26:56S 09:45.53W
En route to Ascension Island - Sun eve 2
Day two into our trip to Ascension, and the wind has given up on us. We are
struggling along with under 10knots of wind - I guess that is why it is called
The Doldrums! At this pace we may only get to Ascension
by Wednesday.
Life on Indigo continues at a very lazy pace - lots of reading &
sleeping, with occasional burst of activity to fix something or make another
meal. We are all eating far too much, and with no exercise can look forward to a
few extra kilograms each! Today I had another "swim" - which means sitting in
the scoop getting splashed by the occasional swell. The water is an incredible
Tomorrow is Willy's wedding anniversary and so we plan to crack a bottle of
bubbly and celebrate - perhaps Coenie will put on his pink dress that he has
been threatening us with.
Love to you all xx