Approaching Cuba

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Thu 21 Apr 2011 16:45
23:24N 082:19W - Twenty Miles off Cuba
I have just noticed the skyline of Havana in the
distance.... some tall buildings. We left Key West at 2am this
morning and have been in a very bumpy sea for almost 11 hours. The wind and
current are fighting, making peaks and valleys that make this a real "4-wheel
drive". Quite a few things have been flying around, including two boxes of
coke cans, that jumped from the bunk bed on to the floor - miraculously not one
burst! The milk that fell over in the fridge was not that
Good news is that 2 dorado were caught shortly after
sunrise - so happy men on board and fresh fish for dinner tonight.
We have seen no sign of any coastguard - American or
Cuban, but will contact the latter when we are 10miles off to announce our
arrival. We are preparing for the protracted check-in
There is a remote chance that our satellite phone may be
sealed by the Guardia, making communication even more difficult. So if you don't
see an update soon - please be patient, we will somehow update the blog of this
exciting part of the trip.