Week one - Bocas del Toro

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Tue 26 Jul 2011 18:58
082:14.64W Bocas del
We have been in the delightful little town of Bocas del
Toro for a few days now. The trip up here took a little longer than expected,
with a 2 night stop-over at the island of Escudo de Veraguas. The town is on an
island and connected to other close-by islands and the mainland, by water taxis.
They buzz around at high speeds all over!
The town is quaint and colorful, with many buildings on
the water, that are hotels, back-packer hostels, bars, restaurants and
private houses. I guess that Key West looked like this many, many years ago.
There are good stores where you provision easily and lots of entertainment!
I hit the Deli immediately to rebalance myself with some delicious French bread,
imported cheeses, frozen edamame beans and a few other gourmet
essentials! Oh yes, and some decent Whisky for Mike!
We are anchored opposite one of the marinas that has a
great little bar/ restaurant called Calypso Cantina - run by two South African
guys. They go to a lot of trouble for the cruisers with special themed evenings,
specials on the menu and even movie nights. On Friday they are having a big
ABBA party .. you can guess who I am going as! One of the owners, Darion, took
Mike and I to a yoga class yesterday. It was excellent fun, good stretch of the
mind and body - but today we are very yogHURT - with muscles we did not know we
had, hurting!
Apologies for no photos with this blog, but the weather
has been VERY rainy and not really suitable for pics! It buckets down daily -
but at least it is warm rain! As soon as we get a sunny day I will post
some pics.