into the ITCZ

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Fri 12 Apr 2013 16:00
5:00.00N 128:35.1W INTO
12 April 4pm UTC (8am
local )
We now have just over 1080nm to go and are in
the InterTropical Convergence Zone – an area of unsettled weather around
the equator that can range from strong squalls to very benign conditions
(doldrums) We have it somewhere in between – a bit of rain and a bit of wind –
and as hot as hell! We are now in our swimsuits – which is a good thing, as the
washing machine is playing up. Until we get to Nuka Hiva and take a look at the
problem, we have to do hand washing..aaargh! Yesterday John and Mike did
an oil change on the main engine. Switching off the life of the boat in
the middle of nowhere was a bit stressful, but it all worked out well. We
ran the stand-by engine which worked very well, handling the stabilisers
perfectly. This gave the engine a chance to cool down and let Mike work his
magic in the sauna (Temp in the engine room is 54degC)