Musket Cove Regatta

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Sun 15 Sep 2013 03:44
Musket Cove Regatta
This week is the 30th annual Musket Cove Regatta - a week long sailing & social event. More of the social than the sailing!
The official entry sheet had over 75 boats registered, from all over the world, and many of them repeat offenders. The opening night was a sponsored function that started with welcome drinks, a few quick speeches and then the national anthems.  There was one other couple from South Africa who roped us into singing. Mike and I spent the afternoon going through the "phonetic" pronunciations and getting the tune in our head, so we would not make total idiots of ourselves. After about 50 Kiwis, 40 Australians, 35 Americans did their thing, the 4 of us put in an acceptable performance, even with our "crib notes". I was glad however, that  we went before the 2 Brazilians, who put on a rousing performance. The evening continued with Fire-dancing, a big BBQ, meeting new friends and lots of music.
Saturday was the 10nm Pirates race to the Beachcomber Resort, on another small island. It was a sail; motor; row; get there anyway you can kind of race.   We took along crew from 3 sailboats (Ukulele, Venus & Player), and what a fun we had.   The weather was stunning and people and boats were dressed all up, with quite  a few battles along the way. Water-bombs and hoses were the main weapons, but one yacht tossed us with bags of flour and rice, which we are still cleaning up.
When we got to Beachcomber, more Pirates met us - taking us the the beach in neck chains to walk across hot coals (red stones) and were then force fed rum. The resort put on a great spread with lots of food, cold beers and music. There were also some beach games and competitions. An excellent day all round.
Rumour is, that the serious racing starts on Monday
A new pirate weapon .. the Vuvuzela!                                                Time 2 has a bridge full of pirates
Arriving at Beachcomber resort                                                               Time 2 keeping bad company
Snow & Greg White from Melbourne                                    Jerry finds a parrot