280 nm to the top of NZ

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Sun 27 Mar 2016 16:12
New Zealand
Another good day - some wind earlier and a bigger swell around late
afternoon, but calmed down now. My night watch is now, 2am to 5am local
time. We are screaming along at about 8.4knots, burning a little more fuel
than usual, but for a good cause. The top of New Zealand has a significant
tidal flow, and we want to catch it going the right way. Every bit of
positive current is a "free ride" We are estimating to get into Opua late
on Wednesday afternoon.
As we have to hand over all the fresh food to NZ Quarantine, and there is a
lot of food on board, we are eating well (too much?) Last night we had pate
and biscuits with our sunset beer followed by roast chicken with potatoes
and green beans, with a glass of Marlborough Sauv Blanc, followed by
chocolate ice cream .... not too shabby for an ocean crossing!