Keeping busy in Ft Pierce

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Tue 2 Mar 2010 15:17
Keeping busy in Fort Pierce,
We have been in the USA for just over a month now..
still waiting for the new propellers, which will hopefully arrive as
promised later next week.
After our visit to the gulf coast we returned to
Fort Pierce, where our friends were kind enough to loan us their empty house
next door. Although largely unfurnished we have the basics, and are very
grateful to stay here rather than in a hotel. These houses are on the waterway,
with docks outside each one, very convenient for any boater! The weather
has been absolutely miserable with temperatures regularly dropping down to below
10deg, very unusual for Florida - but we have had one or two spectacular

To keep busy and to "pay the rent", Mike is helping
Doug renovate his boat, Isla Mia. They are busy from early in the morning until
sunset, chopping, grinding, sanding, hammering, cutting etc, etc. Much to
Terry's delight, Mike built some new cupboards in the galley, and it is looking
very smart. This week they have ripped out all the supports and floorboards
in the forepeak and are rebuilding it. Next on the list is the making
of a new bed... and so on! Mike is a wizard at carpentry and Doug is
thrilled to have his expertise and help. I have been assisting a bit too, and
become a demon with blue masking tape and a sanding machine,
while renovating the wooden window frames.

After the failure of the last anti-fouling paint,
Interlux finally gave us new paint, and the yard has been busy re-painting the
bottom. Indigo is now looking very neat again. This week I will start
with the re-provisioning of our dry goods and tidying the boat as best we can
without water, so that when we finally do "splash" we will be able to leave for
the Bahamas fairly quickly. ...FINGERS