Cricket in Grenada

Windies Cricket in St Georges:
Yesterday we went to watch the West Indies vs Australia one-day cricket match at the national stadium in St Georges. This stadium was donated/built by the Chinese government in time for the Cricket World Cup in 2007. Grenada was still recovering from the hurricane and this aid was greatly appreciated. Of course there is no such thing as "a free lunch" – and the exchange, was for Grenada to cut all support from and relations with Taiwan. The story goes that at the official handover of the stadium, the local organisers played the Taiwanese national anthem instead of the Chinese one ...OUCH!! The stadium is magnificent, seating about 20 000 people, which was sadly not very full for the cricket – but then again, the whole country has under 100 000 residents. We had great fun, armed with our vuvuzela and South African flag – making a lot of noise. Much as I hate to admit it, the Australians were amazing, their fast bowlers deadly – and although the Windies did not embarrass themselves, they were beaten.
We are going to head down to Tobago, sailing overnight on Monday. The trip should take about 12 – 14 hours, and will be our first overnight sail since getting to the Caribbean. I think we are all looking forward to being at sea and doing a bit more sailing.