Quick visit to Sydney

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Wed 2 Apr 2014 06:05
Quick visit to Sydney
On our way back from Tasmania, we flew to Sydney for a quick visit with Mikes nephew Martin and his family who live NE of Paramatta.  We had a lovely albeit quick, visit with them – finding time to take the kids fishing and do a days sight-seeing in the city. We took the ferry (1.5hrs) down the Paramatta river to the city and then took another one to Manly for lunch. It was 4 seasons in one day, with heavy clouds, then lots of sunshine and then rain!
fishing    bird
Fishing with Kate and Ryan                                                            Very tame birds in the middle of the city
bridge opera house
Classic Sydney Bridge and Opera House pic! 
manley beach
Manly Beach – if I lived in Sydney, this is where I would want to be!