Sunday 16th, at sea

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Sun 16 Mar 2008 11:36
07:22:91S 029:10.15W
Hi Mike here, I am on watch again and
thought I would bring you up to date of the
happenings over the last few days. We have been dragging a lure with a teaser for a
few hours everyday but have
had little further success. Yesterday afternoon things changed when in the late afternoon, as a rain storm was about to hit us, "viskop" Coenie shouted "Fish" and to our delight, we had another very excited bill fish following our lure. It had a go at the lure. At the time, the wind was up and we were screaming along at 10 and at sometimes as high as 12 knots, and this fish was having a full go at the lure. One could see the dorsal fin and the bill out of the water. Eventually it got hold of the bait and was on for a few seconds but it threw the hook due to a bad hook-up. After the excitement, we consulted a reference and again we came to the conclusion it was a long billed spearfish - not huge but possibly 50 pounds. The record is 90 lbs so it was a nice size but extremely difficult to put a weight to when its 30 meters from the boat. It's a privilege to see these fish and I must admit while I would like to catch them, I may have a problem taking it out of the water - in fact I think I would let it go. Well, the rain storm came and so did the wind! At the time we had developed a new sail layout where we flew the large spinnaker together with the foresail. An impressive area of sailcloth- probably about 270 sq meters of sail out the front! The spinnaker was held out by the spinnaker pole and we sailed off the wind to keep the foresail open. A whole new experience for us!At times Indigo became a little unruly, and soon I decide to furl the foresail but the wind still increased and it was not long when we were again surfing at 10 to 12 knots. The rain came down and the wind blew! Willy made a few comments that we were over canvassed and I agreed but was hoping for the wind to abate as we could see via radar that the storm was passing us and was moving ahead. I was still noting the performance of the boat, and enjoying the speed when there was a bang and I thought the main halyard to the sail had gone, In fact I shouted that it happened but realised after a few seconds that the head of the sail had torn off. Another lesson from the school of sailing, don't push your luck. The next 15 minutes was interesting, this 170 sq metre sail first blew out ahead of the yacht, then it fell to the water and trailed under the starboard hull. I started the port engine and stuck it astern to try to swing the yacht away from the sail but it had the opposite effect and the sail started to move under the hulls toward the port prop. That idea was soon cancelled and I turn the helm hard to starboard and locked it there. Indigo slowly turned to starboard and the sail emerged from under the hull, but still in the water. After much effort, we pulled it back on to the trampoline and bagged it. The damage is not too bad, the sail will have to go back to a sail maker for repair but it could have been much worse. The damage is that the head is torn off ( we have the pieces) and the port luff line has cut down the full length of the edge of the sail. All easily repairable by a competent sail maker thank goodness.A down side is that there is blue from the antifouling on the sail, not bad but it may be a light powder blue sail in future! After the excitement, we raised the foresail and have been sailing with it since about 18.30 yesterday evening. It's now 04.30 am and we will raise the main or the smaller spinnaker later this am once all have surfaced. A good dinner and a few sundowners help ease the tension last night. The storm, or the after effects continued through the night, it's eased now but sleeping was a little strained as the sea was a bit lumpy but it's improved tremendously now. My watch is ending and it's time to wake Viskop! Love to all, Mike |