Zapatillas Cays

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Thu 4 Aug 2011 17:29
09:15.69N 082:03.457W Zapatillas
We have just spent three lovely days in the Zapatillas
Cays (Slipper isles), which part of a marine nature reserve about 25kms south of
Bocas town. There was a break in the rain and we took
There are two islands, with reefs on the ocean side and a lovely anchorage close to a pristine white beach on the other side. It was great to get back into the water and be able to swim & snorkel off the back of the boat. In Bocas town anchorage, it is too dangerous (speeding water taxi's) and too dirty (sewerage overflow into the bay) to swim. We also had a chance to scrap off some of the weed (long green grass) and barnacles that had grown on the waterline and underside. We are very disappointed in the bottom-paint! The islands are very dense with palm trees and jungle like foliage, including many air plants, hanging on various other trees. Jackaroo (Darion & Dyllan from Cantina Calypso) also came down to Zapatillas with their friends - who recently crossed the Atlantic on their 37ft Leopard Catamaran Ingwe Spirit. We had them over for dinner and cooked up a delicious Thai red curry made with crayfish. On the way back Mike put out his lines and was
handsomely rewarded with two black fin tuna - on at the same time, so I
had to do some winding!
We are now back in Bocas for a few days, deciding on what to do next.