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Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Thu 20 Aug 2009 08:05
Leaving Indigo in Florida
Last week we finally got Indigo out of the water , tied down and safely
stored on the hard at Harbortown Marina. The process took a few more
days than anticipated, as the Travel-lift at the yard broke down just as we were
about to be lifted. Luckily it did not happen a few minutes later, as we would
have been stuck in the slings. We spent a few nervous days between Ft Pierce and
Orlando, hoping all would be sorted out before we had to fly back to Cape Town.
But as you can see all went well and we are now home in Cape Town.

Mike and I will be in Cape Town until the end of January 2010 when the
journey of Indigo and this weblog will continue. We look forward to spending
time in Cape Town with our family and friends, and hope that Indigo is spared
any hurricanes in Florida.