Still in St Martin

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Tue 24 Feb 2009 02:28
left the lagoon last week and sailed up the coast, where we enjoyed a little
snorkelling at Rocher Creole and the night time street fair in Grand Case.
We then returned to Simpson Bay with bad weather close on our heels. As we
went through the bridge (Marigot bay to the lagoon) we spotted a yacht
running aground - their anchor had dragged due to high swells and strong
winds. It was quite frightening, but luckily the coastguard eventually
dragged the boat off the rocks and there was little damage.
Yesterday we watched the carnival in Marigot - a very small, but colourful
event - Made us wonder how the really massive celebrations in Trinidad and
Rio are going.
St Martin is fairly sociable and this evening we had drinks (and delicious
snacks) on "Amarula" with Dave and Dawn - a couple from Durban. Tomorrow we
are hoping that the new AIS system arrives, so Mike can install it. AIS is a
kind of high tech ship identification system, with a screen, showing the
name, boat type, speed, direction, etc of vessels at sea - it is obligatory
for all ships over 300t, and is becoming more common on yachts. In the past
you could just "see" a blob on the radar, but with AIS you know exactly who
it is, where they are, how fast they are moving etc...and they know the same
about you. A brilliant safety tool in shipping lanes.
As son as we are done with this installation we can move on to the Virgin
islands - hopefully before the end of the week.