Nearly half-way

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Wed 10 Apr 2013 22:30
With about 1380nm to go we are in the middle of this crossing. We now
estimate our arrival in Nuka Hiva to be in the morning of Friday 19th April,
assuming that all continues to go well.
The trip continues to be uneventful, with winds from
behind, big swells and clouds...and still no fish! Things are however hotting up as we get closer to the equator, with sea and air temp now at 28degC .
Our big excitement so far, has been the visit from 3 Boobies who sat on our
front rail for about 15 hours, cleaning and preening. Doing the most
incredible landing and take-off as well as their excellent balancing act,
given the heavy swell. The birds do not seem to be scared of us at all and
I assume they have had very little human contact.
Our days and nights are taken up with restless sleep, books, movies, and
eating... waaaaaaay to much of that! The fresh vegetables are starting to
get a bit tired and I expect consumption to drop as we start into the canned
stuff. We have not seen another boat for 2 days now, and the VHF remains
quiet. Its a strange concept to be so totally isolated, and would appreciate
a little more email from home! What's happening in the world?