It had to happen one day .... medical emergency

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Sun 24 May 2015 07:08
Medical Emergency – our first in over 7
On Wednesday afternoon Mike and I went down to Picnic Bay for a late
lunch. We then took a leisurely walk along the boardwalk, but on the way
back to the car, he started complaining of a pain in his lower right abdomen.
During the 3 km drive back to the boat his pain went from uncomfortable to
excruciating – stopping to throw up on the ramp down to the boat.
Inside the boat, I grabbed a bucket and the groaning and puking got worse.
Mike was now lying on the salon floor and I was was calling Julie, a friend on
the island who is also a nurse. She told me to get him to the emergency clinic
asap, which I did with the help of the marina manager who almost had to carry
Mike to the car. Luckily the clinic was less than 1 km away. Once at the
clinic he was quickly put on to a bed and had a drip in his arm. The nurses
started administering various drugs – to stop the spasms, pain and vomiting.
They also called in the doctor who pumped in even more morphine, as Mike was
still in agony, and it was still quite a trip to the hospital.
Townsville hospital sent over two paramedics on the ferry, who then got
Mike on a stretcher, still on his drip and wheeled him on to the ferry to get
back to the mainland. In the interim I had gone back to the boat to pick
up some clothes; toiletries; money; ID etc, as I had no idea how long he would
be in the hospital. Was it a burst appendix? Twisted bowel? ..we had no
idea. The paramedics were great and kept things quite calm while I worried. By
now, Mike was stoned out of his mind, somewhat confused, but in less pain.
On the other side, Mike was wheeled off the ferry and loaded into the
ambulance, for the drive to Townsville General hospital. He was taken into ER
and immediately examined by various nurses and doctors. He was given an
ultrasound in the ER and then wheeled off for a CT scan. And then a few more
drugs. Later the doctor came to give us his diagnosis – Mike had passed a
kidney stone from the kidney down to the bladder, which can cause pain akin to
childbirth.. which sounds damn sore! But luckily the doctor could not see
any other stones. Apparently once the stone is in the bladder there is little
chance of any further problems and it would/ has pass out easily. As it
was so late at night and Mike was still groggy – they decided to keep him
overnight and do one more blood test in the morning to confirm that all was
well. It was now 11pm and I had missed the last ferry back to Magnetic
Island. Luckily I found a taxi and a motel not too far away.
By the time I got back to the hospital the next morning, Mike was fit as a
fiddle and very happy to have survived his ordeal. It could have been so much
Thank goodness this did not happen at sea , or on some third world island.
Thank goodness it happened here in Australia, where the medical care has not
only been excellent, but very kind too. The focus was completely on the patient,
not on the bill/ payment... which I have no doubt will be HUGE.
Before we left the hospital I sat down with one of the administrators and gave
her our medical insurance details. I had already contacted the insurance
company and received a claim number. She was happy to deal directly with
them and within 10 minutes we were ready to go home.
Now lets hope that Zurich Travel insurance dazzles us too, and Mike makes a
bit more of an effort to stay hydrated.
![]() ![]() On the ferry, with Cameron, the
Arriving at the hospital
![]() Finally asleep in the ER