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Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Sun 31 Jan 2010 00:39
uneventful journey. We slept over in Orlando, where Mike managed to
find and visit a Refrigeration & Air-conditioning trade show (and you
all thought he was retired!). In the mean time, and I managed to do a
little shopping (those outlet malls !). We then drove down to Fort
Pierce where Indigo has been on the hard for the last 5 months.
It was wonderful to see her, and other than being a bit dirty and one
bag of pillows having some mildew - everything was perfect! What a
Our vist to Fort Pierce was brief, but we managed to do a lot in 2
days. We took the propellers to a workshop in Stuart to see if they
could repair the "'kinks" we picked up in the Bahamas. Unfortunately
they can't be repaired and new ones had to be ordered. This will take
up to 5 weeks - so we are going to have some time in Florida before we
can head back to the Bahamas. We also saw our friends Doug & Terry,
who were kind enough to let us stay over at their home.
We then packed up our skiing gear and headed back to Orlando for our
trip to Breckenridge for 10 days of skiing. This trip was a nightmare,
with bad connections, delays, missing luggage, missed shuttles
etc.... and took us a frustrating 12 hours!
But we are here now - it is beautiful and we look forward to some great skiing.